Monday, August 27, 2012

Well...Here It Is. it is.  The first day of school.  This day has been my annual defining moment for the last 7 years.  But today, I'm sitting on my green sofa, enjoying a hot cup of coffee while reading everyone else's Facebook posts of parents dropping their kids off at school and my teacher friends feeling nervous and excited about their new bunch of kiddos.

 It's real. 

 I really did quit my job.

Life just got a whole lot sweeter.  This fall I will be spending three days a week focusing on my last semester of grad school - interning as a school counselor by day, and an agency counselor by night, and finishing my last two classes.  Graduation in just 4 short months!  The other four days are mine...ALL MINE!  I have big plans to paint, craft, experiment, sleep, and definitely spend some quality time with my furry girl.

The Smith family spent Saturday treasure hunting at some garage sales in Arlington, bringing home lots of goodies.  My favorite!  I'm so glad that we took the time on Sunday to put it all away and really clean the house.  I love that I'm starting off my first day of freedom with a clean, organized house! (and fresh coffee) :-)

I've got some to-do listing to handle along with some grocery shopping (oh, the life of a new housewife), but I'm pretty excited to sneak in a trip to Lowe's or maybe Michael's for a new brush and some basic supplies.  I think I'll have some time to work on a project or two this for pictures coming soon!