Monday, September 3, 2012

Photography and Carolina Sun Yellow...

So....first off.  I believe that we can all do anything if we put our minds to it.  But sometimes, I get better and less stressful results if I find someone else to do things for me.  Like, take pictures.   Photography is not my strong suit.  I want beautiful pictures of my projects to post on here and to help sell them, but I'm going to need to hire a photographer if I'm going to get that.  Any tips on taking better product pictures without hiring a photographer?

All that to say...ignore the low quality of my pictures, and remember that everything I take a picture of, looks much better in person.  Ha.

I finished my yellow bench! I was so excited to use yellow paint, and had to drive all over the metroplex to find a store stocked with Cece Caldwell's Carolina Sun Yellow!

Isn't it lovely?!?


And, now!

Fun little piano bench! :-)